Successfully Influence Others at Work

Successfully Influence Others at Work | Thoughtful Persuasion

Do you often find yourself trying to convince others that your ideas and solutions are valid? This is a presentation I recently prepared for a few webinars, and I’m sharing the whole presentation for you here. You’ll learn how to take Robert Cialdini’s groundbreaking work in Influence, and use it in a thoughtful way to gain trust, build authority, and win people over to your point of view. I also discuss the different ways people think, and how simple persuasion techniques can help them see your point of view.

Successfully Influence Others at Work

Influence is both a science and an art. As a science, certain principles apply that make it more effective. As an art, influence still requires us to have a certain finesse for reading other people, thinking creatively, and responding spontaneously to concerns. In this video, we’ll discuss the many ways influence campaigns impact our lives, and how to create awareness around using influence to your advantage professionally.

What to Expect:

  • Understand what it means to influence others to think, speak, act, and feel differently.
  • Learn the six key principles of influence as outlined by Robert Cialdini
  • Identify the most effective methods for using influence to engage and align your team, and achieve your goals.
  • Interaction and conversation with peers. 

Christina Holloway is an executive coach and business coach. She helps executives and entrepreneurs grow their companies faster, create results-driven teams, and increase profitability. She has been featured in ForbesThe Huffington PostAddicted2Success and Fast Company. If you’re interested in working with Christina, take a look at her strategy sessions and contact her to get started.

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Christina Holloway